
Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal guidelines require schools to monitor student academic progress for financial aid purposes. The Code of Federal Regulations (§668.32[f])规定,学生必须“按照学校公布的令人满意的学术进步标准,在他或她的学习课程中保持令人满意的学术进步”,才有资格获得联邦学生援助福利.


For this Policy, financial aid includes all federal and state aid administered by the WCC Financial Aid & Veterans Services office (grants, work-study, etc.). Scholarship recipients must meet and maintain requirements specific to the individual programs.

Financial Aid & 退伍军人服务在发放助学金之前和每学期结束时对所有提交了联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的学生进行学业进展评估。. 这种评估包括定性(GPA)和定量(PACE和最大时间框架)的进展措施. 学生必须达到每项指标的最低标准,才有资格获得经济援助.


GPA (Grade Point Average)

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher for financial aid eligibility. (There is no rounding for GPA)

  • Apart from the specific exclusions noted below, SAP GPA calculations incorporate grades earned during all enrollment periods at WCC, even those for which the student did not receive financial aid. This includes repeated coursework, coursework taken by dual-enrolled high school students, coursework paid for by sponsors, 以及由于被批准的“学术宽恕”而可能从WCC官方GPA中删除的成绩.”
  • Grades of A, AG, AH, B, BG, BH, C, CG, D, 和F在SAP的成绩与WCC官方学术GPA在总目录中列出的成绩相同.
  • 在发展课程中获得的成绩将包括在SAP计算中,并按以下方式评估:P级 (passing) equals 4.00-grade points, like an A grade; a grade of R (repeat) equals 0.00-grade points, the same as an F grade.
  • The WF (withdrew failing) grade, signifying a withdrawal after the official withdrawal period, is treated the same as an F grade, earning 0.00-grade points.
  • Grades of OW (official withdrawal), W (withdrew), WP (withdrew passing), WE (withdrew emergency), I (incomplete), IE (incomplete emergency), NA (never attended), AU (audit), and SR (senior audit) are not assigned a point value at WCC. They are, therefore, not included in SAP GPA calculations.
  • Also excluded from the SAP GPA calculation are transfer credits (T, TP, TP1, TP2, TP3), Advanced Placement credits (AP), and Credit by Exam (X).


PACE (Pass Rate)

Students must pass 67%* of the cumulative attempted credit hours to retain financial aid eligibility. (*standard rounding rules apply)

  • Apart from the specific exclusions noted below, PACE calculations include credits earned during all enrollment periods at WCC, even those for which the student did not receive financial aid. This includes repeated coursework, coursework taken by dual-enrolled high school students, Advanced Placement credits (AP), Credit by Exam (X), and coursework paid for by sponsors.
  • If a student is approved for “Academic Forgiveness,” all forgiven hours will continue to be included in the PACE calculation.
  • PACE的计算方法是将累计学时数除以累计尝试学时数. The result is carried out to two decimal places with standard rounding rules; students must earn 66.50% or higher to meet this SAP standard. (Example: 24 hours completed ÷ 33 hours attempted = 72.72% PACE)
  • Passed courses include those in which students earn A, AG, AH, B, BG, BH, C, CG, D, or P grades.
  • All credit hours from another institution for which WCC awards transfer credit (T, TP, TP1, TP2, TP3), Advanced Placement credits (AP), and Credit by Exam (X) count as both hours attempted and hours completed.
  • Developmental credit hours are measured the same as curriculum credit hours, P级表示完成学时,R级表示未完成学时.
  • Course withdrawals (W), (WP), incompletes (I), and course failures (R), (F), and (WF) are counted as hours attempted but not completed.
  • Coursework identified as WE (withdraw emergency), IE (incomplete emergency), NA (never attended), AU (audit), and SR (senior audit) is excluded from the PACE calculations.


Maximum Timeframe

Financial Aid recipients must progress through their educational program in a reasonable time. Federal regulations restrict financial aid eligibility to 150% of the published length of a student’s academic program. Maximum timeframe is measured in attempted credit hours and is applied according to the catalog year specific to each student’s program. When a student’s cumulative attempted credit hours reach the maximum allowed, the SAP status will be Max Credits, and the student will no longer be eligible for federal or state aid at WCC. (Example: For a program requiring 64 credits to earn a degree, 150% is 96 hours. {64 x 1.如果这个项目的学生没有在96个学分内完成学位的所有要求, financial aid eligibility will be suspended, and the student will need to complete the program using alternate payment methods.)

Further, under federal law, at the point it is determined to be mathematically impossible for a student to complete their program of study within the 150% timeframe, they are not meeting this requirement, 即使学生符合其他SAP标准,学院也需要暂停其经济援助资格. (Example: Student A is in a program allowing a maximum of 99 hours. 假设学生已经尝试了90个学分,需要额外的5门课程,相当于16个学分来完成该课程. In this case, adding the 16 hours required to the 90 hours attempted equals 106, which is more than the 99 hours allowed. Mathematically, Student A cannot complete the program before reaching the 150% maximum timeframe, and financial aid eligibility at WCC must be suspended.)

  • Apart from the specific exclusions noted below, Maximum Timeframe calculations include credits attempted during all enrollment periods at WCC, even those for which the student did not receive financial aid. This includes coursework taken by dual-enrolled high school students, Advanced Placement credits (AP), Credit by Exam (X), and coursework paid for by sponsors.
  • All credit hours taken at another institution for which WCC awards transfer credit (T), repeated coursework, course withdrawals (W), (WP), incompletes (I), and course failures (R), (F), (WF)将被计算为尝试小时数,并将应用于最大时间框架计算.
  • If a student changes their major, 所有尝试的学时将被保留,并应用于新课程的最长时间框架.
  • If a student is approved for “Academic Forgiveness,” all forgiven hours will continue to be counted as attempted credits.
  • Developmental/remedial courses in which a student earned a passing grade (up to 30 hours) are excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation.
  • Coursework identified as WE (withdraw emergency), IE (incomplete emergency), NA (never attended), AU (audit), and SR (senior audit) is excluded from the maximum timeframe calculations.

达到150%最大时限的学生或在数学上不能在150%最大时限内完成当前学习计划的学生将被分配一个最大学分的SAP状态. Eligibility for all student aid will be suspended unless the student successfully appeals.

Financial Aid Warning

在SAP评估时,首次出现学生未能达到GPA或PACE的最低要求, they will automatically be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next enrollment semester/payment period. Students on financial aid warning may receive financial aid for one semester without submitting a written appeal.

  • Financial Aid Warning provides students with one payment period/semester of financial aid while they work to attain the minimum standards of SAP.
  • 获得经济援助警告的学生仍然有资格获得他们有资格获得的所有类型的经济援助.
  • Academic progress for financial aid is reevaluated at the end of each semester. 在警告期结束前取得令人满意的学业进步的学生可以恢复其经济援助资格.
  • 在警告期结束前未能取得令人满意的学业进步的学生将被暂停获得经济援助的资格.

Additional Information

  • RETURNING WCC STUDENTS Cumulative GPAs are carried forward, and attempted credit hours are evaluated per SAP regulations. Student academic progress is calculated as stated in the preceding sections.
  • TRANSFER STUDENTS 从其他机构转学到WCC的学生在入学时将被视为进行SAP,除非转学时间导致学生无法在最长时间内完成课程. All credits transferred from another school, including college credits earned as a dual-enrolled high school student, will count as attempted hours and be applied to the maximum timeframe.
  • CHANGING MAJORS – When a student changes their major, the maximum timeframe for the new program takes effect. 所有以前专业的学习时数将作为新专业的学习时数结转. 强烈建议学生与财务援助代表会面,讨论更改专业可能产生的影响.
    • 获得副学士学位的学生没有资格获得文凭或证书课程的经济援助.

SAP Appeal Procedure


由于学业进展不理想或时间限制而没有资格获得经济援助的学生,如果存在减轻情况,可以提出上诉. Circumstances that may be considered generally are beyond the student’s control and may include, but are not limited to, physical or mental health issues of the student, illness, injury, or death of an immediate family member, natural disasters, military deployment, etc.

  • To appeal financial aid suspension:
    • Students should submit the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal form with the required documents. 详细解释导致学生学业进步不理想的原因, what has changed so that they can be successful in the future, and a specific plan to make satisfactory academic progress, if approved, must be included in the appeal.
    • 在合理的情况下,需要来自公正的第三方的证明文件,并且必须与学业成绩受到影响的时期相吻合.
    • 学生应该安排与他们的学术顾问见面,讨论提高他们学术地位的策略,或者制定一个完成课程的计划.
    • Appeals submitted with required documentation will not be reviewed.
  • Submitting an appeal does not guarantee that financial aid eligibility will be reinstated. Students are responsible for all semester expenses while the appeal is being reviewed.
  • Students are notified in writing of the decision of the appeals committee. Notification may be sent to the student 567888n.com email account or via mail.

If you need help understanding any of the policies or procedures stated above, you are responsible for asking for clarification from a Financial Aid representative. Privacy regulations prohibit us from disclosing a student’s academic record details over the phone. 财务援助代表周一至周四从7:45到下午5:30,周五从上午8:00.m. until 1:00 pm. We also have evening hours every Tuesday until 6:00 pm. (Summer hours may vary)
